Munkegade Kollegiet

Regler og booking af vaskeri

Booking of the washing machines

To do your laundry you need to connect to our online calendar where you can book a time slot.

You get access to the online calendar through this link:

When you open the link, you must add the calendar popping up, and then ask for access. In the request message you need to write your full name and room number. The board will then, as quickly as possible, grant you access to the calendar.

Please contact Nicolai Sig Kristensen either on Messenger or by phone number +45 40840798 if any difficulties occur.

Booking is done by selecting a time slot in the calendar and putting in your room number. E.g.:

12.00 – 14.00 A1

If you only need to use one of the washing machines or the tumble dryer, we advise you to show this by referring to the washing machines like this in your booking:

“LW” and “RW” for the left- and right washing machine. “TD” for the tumble dryer.

So that other residents can get their laundry done as well if there are open machines in your chosen time slot.

Rules for using the washing machines

  • The washing machines are only to be used between 7.00 am and 22.00 pm.
  • You are not allowed to book more than two weeks in advance.
  • You can only book four hours per week, unless the schedule isn’t busy